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If I could describe what my community means to me, I would liken it to how I feel about my favorite pair of heels. The ones with the chunky heel that offers:
- good foot support
- solid ankle stability
- a comfortable fit
- an eye-catching aesthetic
Thankfully, my exclusive community a.k.a. my Personal Board of Directors (PBOD) holds me down like my favorite pair of Zara heels. Each of their unique personalities, interests, and natural gifts have added value to my life one way or another. And vice versa.
Our relationships span across many different versions of me, many mistakes, many accomplishments, and many unforgettable party nights. More importantly, their support has given me wings to fly and a soft place to land when I needed it. I believe everyone deserves to have a PBOD. So this week, I’m sharing three ways building your PBOD can transform your life.
1. Your PBOD Will Give You Wings to Fly + A Soft Place To Land
Listen, life is all about duality.
My PBOD’s manages to comfort and challenge me in ways that can tiptoe on my nerves but rightfully stretch me to grow.
Let's be real, life is beautiful but it can get shitty at times. Having a PBOD can alleviate the pressures of life; allowing us to take our social masks off, loosen our bra straps, and lay comfortably in our authenticity. We all can benefit from a community that serves as our biggest cheerleaders but can level with us and tells us when we are messing up.
MY PBOD’s encouraging Facetime calls before an important interview or their quickness to share corny jokes when I’m having a bad day; often serve as a soft place to rest so that I can continue to soar.
2. Human Connection Is Important
From the beginning, humans have convened in tribes to survive. Research shows that our brain’s neurotransmitters send chemical messages that produce oxytocin and dopamine when we feel a connection to someone, platonic and romantic relationships, alike.
We are meant to cross paths and connect with other people in order to expand our minds, open our hearts and feed our souls. Regardless of where you land on the spectrum of socializing, your PBOD’s duty to celebrate and empower you can revitalize your life.
3. We Have Different Friends For Different Reasons
“One person cannot be your everything.” - Book of Chamxpagne 7:7
Since hearing this quote, I have added it to my journal of sage advice. Using it to remind people of the importance of community. It’s true. As humans, we are complex therefore, one person cannot meet all of our needs. For this reason, I have a PBOD member for each area of my life. I know who to go for advice about setting someone straight professionally, I know who to send funny Instagram memes to, and I know who can align my chakras. And some members of my PBOD can do all three.
Now, it's your turn.
Find three people that currently have an impact on your life. Write their names down. That is your community, your PBODs. I hope you are taking the time to reciprocate the energy + love + support they pour into you.
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